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Ausstellung in Basel
Das Schaufenster als Inbegriff der Verführung
“Fresh Window” is one of the most important discoveries in the Tinguely Museum about the Schaufenster in art history.
Selten hat een Ausstellung, as Spass did with “Fresh Window” in Museum Tinguely, a light-hearted, historical-associative overview of the Schaufenster. This state of affairs at the Karriere is that art and art teachers, who take shape with decorations, earn their first money. A landscape star is the theme of the artwork, which was created over 150 years with fragments of contemporary art and social cultural processes.
The artist Jean Tinguely himself, the son of Mario Botta, created the Basler Museum in the Roche pharmaceutical company, during his years as a designer decorator. Two black photographs in the Ausstellung, which have developed their bold stock work, are the coarse art of Fenster, which are for the business housing, the Tanner bookstore, the Optiker Ramstein and the Modehaus Emmy gestaltet hat. Everything in Basel. The war in the years 1950 and 1951.
There are also other artists who no one sees, such as Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg or Andy Warhol, who are appointed as master decorator. “If you die, a life in which you can earn, if this case does not go further than a war,” says British artist, schauspieler and poet Adrian Dannatt in the press conference for Ausstellungseröffnung. Dannatt, a rude artist and a Führer during the Ausstellung, who konzipiert as leader of the great show in the show with Tabea Panizzi and Andres Pardey.
I love Raum stehen wir vor Andy Warhols “Bonwit’s Loves Mistigiri”, a painting star decoration, which was milled at Holzbretter. In the first photo you can see the 235 of 256 Zetimeter reproductions of originals, which has been shifted, including a work by Jean-Michel Basquiat – everything will take a year to complete. Warhol hat from 1955 with white color patterns by Katzen and Pokerkarten for the perfume Mistigiri geworben. From the Schaufensterinszenierung zeugen auch more Fotos.
Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg created their artistic decorations under the pseudonym Matson Johns, so that their artist names were not affected by the worries of the decorators. Your decorations are intended for the jewelery store Tiffany & Co. Some beautiful photos were taken. And the Australian designer was able to use plaster-made melons and pomegranates in a few ways, using the former as decorative objects.
The basis for the artistic history of the landscape is Marcel Duchamp’s Skulptur «Fresh Widow» from the year 1920. From the background, it was a small framed French window (it is missing 79 out of 53 centimeters) – the picture shows the title may be a surreal one «Frische Witwe» – from English «Fresh Widow». Dazu lies about the fact that Schreiner has a grünen-rahmen-gefassten Fenstergläser hinter schwarzem Leder verschwinden.
While the Fenster offers a glimpse into the world heritage or a shopping tour and illusion in front of the Duchamp sculpture, which was built two years after the end of the first world war, a grab for a lover: for a “Fresh Widow”, those who die Whitewashed by the Fallen Soldiers would be killed if they were killed. This work is no longer original. The object in the Ausstellung is an answer and comes from the best of Tate London.
Vergleichbar with Duchamp, the Durchblick beiiner Fensterskulptur blockiert, geht auch der Verpackungskünstler Christo vor. There is a drawer front with glass and wooden handles with Tüchern hangings and the Ganze ins Museum set. If you are otherwise with Duchamp, you can have a schwarz-like learning experience with the Christos installation of an engine of illusion. Was the hint in the direction of the Schaufenster, that can be and you think for yourself.
Auch Elmgreen & Dragset, one of the artists who became an artist duo from Denmark, has the Schaufenster in its Reverenz-erwiesen. In the Texan Wüste, one of the car shops for the Dorf Marfa, where Donald Judd went into business in the 1980s and would create one of the most beautiful museums of the world, a shop in the Luxusmarke Prada started work in 2012 .
No one can buy, the money is now available and is available for purchase. These works of art are an engine of illusions that will never freeze our Kauflust and our Begehren nach Besitz. Under its huge exponential stand of a sculpture, one of the kopf people will no longer look for a tourist attraction or look at a photo in the museum.
The first night after purchasing a pair of Räuber in the colorful Luxus shop, the goods were ready and clambered. War is a world or a world in which the Wüste Kein Museum is, in the Fragen der Wahrnehmung, der Verführung und der Selbstreflexion in einem geschützten Raum traded was können? Erasing Wir is not possible. After all, the Prada Shop in the Wüste is now a simple task and the Tinguely Museum hangs on the wall like beautiful Farb photography.
Die Ausstellung im Museum Tinguely was published on May 11, 2025.
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